The 2021 SDP with a focus on women campaign built on partnerships and consensus among women who use drugs, organisations and groups worldwide
- to highlight the need to expand harm reduction services designed for women
- to end violence against women who use drugs and
- to improve drug policies for women from a health and harm reduction perspective.
The demands of Support Don’t Punish with a Focus on Women are for:
- Immediate abolition of capital punishment, extrajudicial killings, compulsory treatment, drug user registration systems and punishment for use of drugs in pregnancy.
- Decriminalisation of drug use and sex work
- Allocation of resources and long term funding to harm reduction services and networks that are led by and meaningfully involve women who use drugs and are based around care, compassion and individual autonomy
- Creation of gender responsive comprehensive harm reduction services and policy environments that are non-judgemental, non-discriminatory, safe, relevant and supportive for all women who use drugs
- An end to the distortion of facts that surround drug use and pregnancy and coercive campaigns of abortion and sterilisation
- Upholding the right to autonomy over the bodies of women who use drugs including choices around safer drug use
- Implementation of mechanisms for prevention of violence and support for women who use drugs survivors
- An end to using drug use as reason for the invasion or disruption of women’s privacy, public or domestic life
- Inclusion of women who use drugs as a key part of research, planning, design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of any policy or action that affects them.