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Confronting Coercion: A Global Scan of Coercion, Mistreatment and Abuse Experienced By Women Living With HIV In Reproductive and Sexual Health Services

Read ICW’s new report- Confronting Coercion: A global scan of coercion, mistreatment and abuse experienced by women living with HIV in reproductive and sexual health services was released in Munich at the AIDS 2024 conference on July 24th, 2024. The report illustrates the ways in which women living with HIV face practices that undermine their bodily autonomy.

The report blends evidence from 23 Stigma Index 2.0 implementations exploring experiences of coercion, mistreatment and abuse in the lives of 26,502 women living with HIV and women from key populations world wide from more than 60 countries across 3 regions and offers concrete actions for the reduction of coercive practices.

ICW calls on governments worldwide, including donors and ministries of health, to eliminate these harmful practices. The organization is also calling on governments to ensure that health systems support women living with HIV to realize their full right to health, including sexual and reproductive health and rights, bodily autonomy and rights to informed consent.