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Treatment And Care For People With Drug Use Disorders In Contact With The Criminal Justice System: Alternatives To Conviction Or Punishment

This publication has been jointly developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). UNODC staff from the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section and the Justice Section, jointly with colleagues from the WHO Management of Substance Abuse team, took the lead in drafting this document. Under the overall guidance and leadership of, in alphabetical order, Giovanna Campello, Gilberto Gerra, Valérie Lebaux and Vladimir Poznyak, the following staff in particular contributed to the development of this document (in alphabetical order): Gabriele Aiello, Anja Busse, Nicolas Clark, Celso Coracini, Jee Aei (Jamie) Lee, Ana Maria Marin Delgado, Sven Pfeiffer and Elizabeth Saenz. Additional review and comments were provided by UNODC staff from the Division of Treaty Affairs, in particular John Brandolino, Xiahong Li and Catherine Muganga; and Giovanni Gallo from the Office of the Executive Director.

UNODC and WHO would like to acknowledge the following for their invaluable contribution to the process of drafting this publication: All Member States that have responded to a note verbale issued by UNODC and shared information about their approach to treatment for people with drug use disorders in contact with the criminal justice system as an alternative to conviction or punishment The Organization of American States/Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, the African Union and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Charlotte Colman supported the development of this